What tips do you have for those embarking on the H.O.P. journey?


Definitely, suggest start picking someplace within your organizational structure and your current existing rhythm to start. So, you don’t have to come up with a brand-new process, or meeting. So, anything you have that’s current that you can insert a few of the principles in is very helpful so it doesn’t feel like a gigantic effort.

So even if you’re doing something like a routine audit, going in an inserting a few different types of questions in that audit so when you see something that is a little bit awry or you have written down something in your report and instead of just doing that, you would go up and say, ask about operator struggle – help me understand what’s going on here, give me a little bit on how you do your job you are doing. That gets the ball rolling without too much effort.

Andrea Baker | Proudly brought to you by HOPLAB & Southpac International.

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