What are the qualities of a good coach?


The qualities of a good coach are really aligned with some of a principles that come out of HOP. So I think the idea of actually saying to say to someone – and this is difficult to say to someone, you are the solution to your own problems. And that’s really difficult and often where coaching and mentoring get confused. Where a mentor is someone who’s been in your position before, and someone will come to you and they say ‘listen I have got this problem.’ And they will say ‘here’s what I did before and you can work out whether that’s appropriate or not’ They help you shortcut mistakes and failure. Whereas a coach doesn’t need to have done that before. And I think that’s a valuable distinction because if you have been there before and have done it, and you have made the mistakes as humans, we’re going to be really inclined to tell rather than actually help the person how to arrive there themselves. Sometimes the journey is just as important as the destination. So as a coach that’s a really important distinction to make sure you position the ‘Coachee’ (the person being coached) as the solution to their own problems. And the coach needs to respect that agreement, so that’s one example.

Andrew Barrett | Proudly brought to you by Southpac International.

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