Queensland Urban utility infographic Safety 3 shows their three principles on how to implement HOP.

SAFETY II | HOP and the Guiding Principles

We were very impressed when the team at Queensland Urban Utilities shared their infographic on how they work on implementing HOP.  The poster introduces the concepts to their teams and other stakeholders.  So far, they have been using it or investigation and conducting a large scale SME groups.  Future group work includes assurance and beyond!

With thanks to Queensland Energy and especially Daniel Kopacz, the Principal Investigation and Assurance Specialist for sharing this amazing document for us all to use and benefit from.

Do you have a way of sharing HOP you would like to share? Contact us and share the tools you use to introduce the concepts of HOP.


SAFETY II | HOP and the Guiding Principles

SAFETY II | HOP and the Guiding Principles We were very impressed when the team at Queensland Urban Utilities shared their infographic on how they work on implementing HOP.  The poster introduces the concepts to their teams and other stakeholders.  So far, they have been using [...]


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