H.O.P Round Table Discussion | Part 1.


What is H.O.P?

AB: Lets start with a combination of behavioural psychology and designing systems / the socio-technical interface and understanding how people exist in the same system as mechanical things with all the information that we need to best work within that system while working within the confines and amazing adaptations and abilities of humans. So H.O.P is learning how best that can all work together and optimise how we function.

What is H.O.P like? What can we compare it to?

AB: This pulls form many things, including human performance, human factors, safety II, safety differently, new view and more. All this great work by a lot of great people.

AW: Standing on the shoulders of giants. We wouldn’t be talking about what we talk about today if it wasn’t for the conversation continuing on from the earlier work of Scott Geller and many others.

AS: And this brings in others who have at one time, had movements of their own like Demming and Ackoff. Had that systems thinking, appreciative enquiry thinking. You can look at those ideas and they still often makes sense now in a H.O.P setting. So, it brings the best of a lot of different things.

Is H.O.P a program?

MY: No, its a way about thinking. It’s a way about making enquiry. Its a way about getting information you may not otherwise get. Information that could arm you to become more powerful, safer. And its not just about safety. When we ask, what people lives are actually like [in their jobs]. Rather than trying to do safety to them we get so much information. I come from a world of not being a safety professional, I come from a world of doing high-risk work. So the people out there doing that work have to interface with whatever the safety program is and they have seen different flavours of the day come and go. But when you talk to the actual operators who are alive and providing a good service they don’t see safety as a separate entity. Safety is so wound up in the performance of the job. Its not a separate thing until something happens and then everybody with safety in their name title shows up to figure out what went wrong.

AW: A lot of companies are accepting the concept of safety emergence. Of safety, of quality of performance, these are normal properties of normal work. Is that something you would agree with Marc?

MY: Absolutely. Safety is difficult to measure but easily created with thoughtful and trained people who are operating in a context that are standing on the shoulders of giants. We go back to a few generations or decades and find a place with very few rules and human capital was easy to expend and easy to replace and not too expensive. To now we have a place where humans are quite valuable and have a lot of information that we cannot see in a best plans. We can make our plans better by understanding what they know and confront everyday.

H.O.P Round Table Discussion | Proudly brought to you by HOPLAB.

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