What is Industrial Empathy?

I first heard about Industrial Empathy from Andrea Baker. She is doing a lot of work in this field too and she and Todd Conklin and I have done a bunch of work together. And she coined that phrase and she said it seemed like as we listen and learn and respect the people that are getting work done and instead of thinking they are the problem to be solved but they are really the ‘problem solver’ as Dekker says. We are creating Industrial Empathy. If I walk a mile in your shoes, I might be a little less judgmental. A little more considerate. It’s not sympathy, I don’t feel sorry for people, but it’s an understanding that you have this challenge in work. You’re getting stuff done, you’re dealing with all the stuff you’re dealing with. Let me take a moment to understand your world instead of trying to think I have the answers already.

Bob Edwards | Proudly brought to you by Southpac International.

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